Dr.Govardhan  Bhatt

Department Civil Engineering
Designation Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification PhD IITROORKEE
E-Mail gov.ce@nitrr.ac.in
Contact Number 7773835379
Areas of Interest

Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Seismic Base Isolation, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering,

Administrative Responsibilities:

BIU-UNICEF, Nodal Incharge
Prof. I/C Yuva Tourism Club
 M.Tech QIP Coordinator, Civil Engineering
Prof. I/C Structural Dynamics Lab
Nodal Officer, Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat
Prof. I/C Sponsored Research Projects,NITRR
Prof. I/C Dramatics Club,NITRR
 Coordinator CCOST Cell (Student Activities)



List of journals

  1. Thippa, P.K., Tripathi, R.K. & Bhat, G. A Case Study on the Effect of Multiple Earthquakes on Mid-rise RC Buildings with Mass and Stiffness Irregularity in Height. Iran J SciTechnol Trans CivEng (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-024-01625-0(Scopus)
  2. Dhadse, G.D., Ramtekkar, G. & Bhatt, G. Performance of Interface Hyperbolic Model Parameters for Soil–Concrete Interfaces. Indian Geotech J (2024).https://doi.org/10.1007/s40098-024-01053-x(ESCI)
  3. Thippa, P. K., Tripathi, R. K., & Bhat, G. (2024). Development of Fragility Curves and Assessment of Mass Irregular Structures with Fixed Base and Base Isolated Under Multiple Earthquakes. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 00(00), 1–41. https://doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2024.2387042(SCIE)
  4. S Naveen, G Bhat. (2024). “Parametric study on the effect of temperature on properties of engineered cementitious composites using induction furnace slag as a partial replacement for river sand” Research on Engineering Structures and Materials. http://dx.doi.org/10.17515/resm2023.36ma0824rs .(Scopus)
  5. Gaurav D. Dhadse, Gangadhar Ramtekkar, and Govardhan Bhatt, (2024) ‘Thin Layer Interface: An Alternative Modeling Consideration in Soil-Structure Interaction System’, Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (2024), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.17515/resm2024.16me0926rs. .(Scopus)
  6. Thippa, P. K., Tripathi, R. K., & Bhat, G. (2024). Seismic assessment of structures with mass and stiffness irregularities under multiple earthquakes. Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, 9(1), 46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-024-00398-3 .(Scopus)
  7. Kolli, SatyaEswaraSanyasi Rao, and Govardhan Bhatt. 2023. “Seismic Response Control of an Open-Ground Story RC Frame Building Using the Negative Stiffness Device.” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (0123456789). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-023-00675-5.(Scopus)
  8. Malathy, R.B., Bhat, G. & Dewangan, U.K. (2023) A Hybrid Algorithm for Acceleration Harmonic Estimation and Elimination in Shake Table. Iran J SciTechnol Trans CivEng47, 3663–3680 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01235-2
  9. Malathy, R.B., Bhatt, G. & Chowdhury, S. (2024).  Parametric study of blast loads on structures. Asian J CivEnghttps://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-024-01055-3  (Scopus)
  10. Gaurav D Dhadse, GangadharRamtekkar, Govardhan Bhatt. 2023. “A Succinct Review on Soil Structure Interface Thickness”. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-023-09926-9(Scopus)(SCIE)
  11. Thippa, P.K., R.K. Tripathi, and G. Bhat. 2023. “Response of Multiple-Earthquake Excitations on RC-Framed Buildings.” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering. https://10.1007/s42107-023-00639-9(Scopus)
  12. Kolli, SatyaEswaraSanyasi Rao, and Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “A State-of-the-Art Review on Negative Stiffness Mechanism for Safer Structures in Seismic Areas.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research (0123456789). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-24477-5.(Scopus)(SCI)
  13. RB Malathy, Govardhan Bhat, UK Dewangan. 2022. “An improved iterative technique for inelastic time history analysis of single degree of freedom (SDOF) elasto-plastic system.” Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-022-00243-5(Scopus)
  14.  Gaurav D Dhadse, GD Ramtekkar, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Thin layer interface: an alternative to zero thickness interface for modeling of footing-soil interaction system” Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-022-00190-1(Scopus)
  15. Nataraja, M.C. , Bhat, G., et al.. 2022. “Investigation on concrete with crushed vitrified tiles as coarse aggregates” Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-022-00245-3(Scopus)
  16. S Naveen, G Bhat. 2022. “Effect of Elevated Temperature on Engineered Cementitious Composites using Natural River Sand” International Journal of Engineering. https://doi.org/10.5829/ije.2022.35.09c.15(Scopus)
  17.  Dhadse, G D, G Ramtekkar, and G Bhatt. 2022. “Effect of Particle Size, Moisture Content and Density on the Hyperbolic Model Parameters for Non-Cohesive Soil.” International Journal of Engineering 35(9): 1699–1706. 10.5829/ije.2022.35.09c.04(Scopus)
  18. Sharma, Anurag, R K Tripathi, and Govardhan Bhat. 2021. “Direct-Displacement and Force-Based Seismic Assessment of RC Frame Structures.” Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation 7(1): 21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-021-00160-z. (Scopus)
  19. Dhadse, Gaurav D, G D Ramtekkar, and Govardhan Bhatt. 2021. “Finite Element Modeling of Soil Structure Interaction System with Interface: A Review.” Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 28(5): 3415–32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-020-09505-2. (Scopus)(SCIE)
  20. Dhadse GD, Ramtekkar G, Bhatt G. Influence due to interface in finite element modeling of soil-structure interaction system: a study considering modified interface element. Res. Eng. Struct. Mater., 2022; 8(1): 127-154. http://dx.doi.org/10.17515/resm2021.322st0702(Scopus)
  21. Sharma, Anurag, R K Tripathi, and Govardhan Bhat. 2020. “Seismic Assessment of RC Building Frames Using Direct-Displacement-Based and Force-Based Approaches.” Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 5(3): 115. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-020-00364-1. (Scopus)
  22. Sharma, Anurag, R K Tripathi, and Govardhan Bhat. 2020. “Comparative Performance Evaluation of RC Frame Structures Using Direct Displacement-Based Design Method and Force-Based Design Method.” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 21(3): 381–94. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-019-00198-y. (Scopus)
  23. Malathy, R B, Govardhan Bhat, and U K Dewangan. 2020. “Generalized Logic for Modeling and Obtaining Harmonics Estimation in Shake Table Using LabVIEW with Experimental Validation.” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 21(6): 985–94. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-020-00255-x. (Scopus)

List of Conferences

  1. Thippa, P. K., Tripathi, R. K., & Bhat, G. (2023). A case study on performance of structures during Turkey-Syria multiple earthquakes occurred on February 6, 2023. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1280(1), 012023. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1280/1/012023(Scopus)
  2. Sharma, Anurag, R K Tripathi, and Govardhan Bhatt. 2023. “Influence of DDBD Approach in Seismic Assessment of Vertically Irregular RC Buildings BT - Proceedings of SECON’22.” In eds. Giuseppe Carlo Marano et al. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 331–39. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-12011-4(Scopus)
  3. Thippa, P. K., Tripathi, R. K., & Bhat, G. (2023). Effect of multiple earthquakes on force-based and capacity-based designed structures. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023). 07-09 December. (Scopus)[conference](Publication under process] (Scopus)
  4. Kolli, Satya Eswara Sanyasi Rao, and Govardhan Bhatt(2023). Effect of negative stiffness device at various storey height to minimize the response of G+3 RC frame structure. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023). 07-09 December. (Scopus)[conference](Publication under process] (Scopus)
  5. ShivanshBais, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Structural Fire Analysis of Beams and Slabs Using ANSYS and FEAST Software Program” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.639(Scopus)
  6. TJ Mohan, GD Ramtekkar, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Comparison of Analytical and Finite element method of live load distribution in T Beam Girder Bridge.” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.542(Scopus)
  7. Anurag Sharma, RK Tripathi, Govardhan Bhat. 2022. “Seismic Assessment of Steel-frame Buildings Mounted with Base-Isolated System” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.630(Scopus)
  8. S Naveen, Govardhan Bhat. 2022.”Effect of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Compressive Strength of Engineered Cementitious Composites: A Review” Recent Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction Management: Select Proceedings of ICSMC 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4040-8_54(Scopus)
  9. Anurag Sharma, RK Tripathi, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Application of DDBD Method on Mid-Rise Open-Ground Storey RC Frame Buildings” Recent Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction Management: Select Proceedings of ICSMC 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4040-8_21(Scopus)
  10. Bommeri, V., & Bhatt, G. (2021). Comparison of Direct Displacement-based Design with Force-based Design for Lead Rubber Bearing base-isolated buildings. PREPARE@u®|IEIConferences.https://doi.org/10.36375/prepare_u.iei.a109(Scopus)
  11. Bhatt, G., & Dhakad, M. (2021). Laminated Rubber Bearings Analysis and Design for Structures in Seismic Regions. Research Transcripts in Materials1, 69–86. Retrieved from https://www.grinrey.com/journals/index.php/rtm/article/view/36(Scopus)

List of all Book Chapters

  1. Dhadse, G.D., Ramtekkar, G., Bhatt, G. (2024). Performance of Hyperbolic Model Parameters for Non-cohesive Soil-Concrete Interface. In: Çiner, A., et al. Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology. MedGU 2021. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43218-7_106 (Scopus) 
  2. Sharma, A., Tripathi, R.K., Bhat, G. (2024). Seismic Assessment of Vertically Irregular RC Frame Buildings Designed Using Direct Displacement-Based Design Approach. In: Çiner, A., et al. Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology. MedGU 2021. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43218-7_95   (Scopus) 
  3. Rishab Choubey and Govardhan Bhatt (2023). Real-Time Concrete Surface Crack Detection Using Computer Vision Model—YOLO_v8. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, Volume 4, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 549, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6603-1_51 (Scopus)
  4. S Naveen, Govardhan Bhat (2023). Engineered Cementitious Composite Performance with Natural River Sand of Varying Particle Sizes. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, Volume 4, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 549,springer  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6603-1_52  (Scopus)
  5. Sharma, A., Tripathi, R.K., Bhatt, G. (2023). Application of DDBD Method on Mid-Rise Open-Ground Storey RC Frame Buildings. In: Hau, K.K., Gupta, A.K., Chaudhary, S., Gupta, T. (eds) Recent Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction Management . Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 277. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4040-8_21 (Scopus) 
  6. S Naveen, Govardhan Bhat. 2022.”Effect of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Compressive Strength of Engineered Cementitious Composites: A Review” Recent Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction Management: Select Proceedings of ICSMC 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4040-8_54 (Scopus) 
  7. Anurag Sharma, RK Tripathi, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Application of DDBD Method on Mid-Rise Open-Ground Storey RC Frame Buildings” Recent Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction Management: Select Proceedings of ICSMC 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4040-8_21 (Scopus) 
  8. S Naveen, Govardhan Bhat. 2022.” An Exhaustive Review on the Development of the Role of Cementitious Supplementary Cementitious Material in Ductile Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC)” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.703
  9. Shivansh Bais, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Structural Fire Analysis of Beams and Slabs Using ANSYS and FEAST Software Program” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.639
  10. TJ Mohan, GD Ramtekkar, Govardhan Bhatt. 2022. “Comparison of Analytical and Finite element method of live load distribution in T Beam Girder Bridge.” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.542
  11. Anurag Sharma, RK Tripathi, Govardhan Bhat. 2022. “Seismic Assessment of Steel-frame Buildings Mounted with Base-Isolated System” ASPS Conference Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.38208/acp.v1.630
  12. Malathy, R.B., Bhat, G., Dewangan, U.K. (2021). Design and Development of Low-Cost Medium Size Shake Table for Vibration Analysis. In: Ramanagopal, S., Gali, M., Venkataraman, K. (eds) Sustainable Practices and Innovations in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 79. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5101-7_19
  13. R.B. Malathy, Govardhan Bhatt, U.K. Dewangan. 2021. “Advanced Modeling of Single Degree of Freedom System for Earthquake Ground Motion using LabVIEW Software”. Intechopen book chapter. Ch.7. Pg 129-142. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.96341  
  14. Bhatt, G., & Dhakad, M. (2021). Laminated Rubber Bearings Analysis and Design for Structures in Seismic Regions. Research Transcripts in Materials1, 69–86. Retrieved from https://www.grinrey.com/journals/index.php/rtm/article/view/36
  15. Malathy, R.B., Bhat, G., Dewangan, U.K. (2021). Design and Development of Low-Cost Medium Size Shake Table for Vibration Analysis. In: Ramanagopal, S., Gali, M., Venkataraman, K. (eds) Sustainable Practices and Innovations in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 79. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5101-7_19
  16. Bais, S., Bhatt, G. (2021). Capacity Assessment of Beams and Slabs Under Fire. Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 124. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4590-4_68 (Scopus)
  17. Jain, Vivek, and Govardhan Bhatt. 2021. “Application of Finite Element Modeling for Assessing the Fire Ratings of Beams BT  - Advances in Civil Engineering.” In eds. Rao Martand Singh, K P Sudheer, and Babu Kurian. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 865–77. (Scopus)
  18. Dewangan, Abhinav, Govardhan Bhatt, and ChanchalSonkar. 2021. “Structural Stability of Cold-Formed Steel Wall Studs Under Compression by DSM Approach BT - Advances in Civil Engineering.” In eds. Rao Martand Singh, K P Sudheer, and Babu Kurian. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 527–36. (Scopus)
  19. Dhadse, Gaurav D, G D Ramtekkar, and Govardhan Bhat. 2021. “Response of Single and Multilayered Flexible Base for Static and Earthquake Loading Under Framed RC Structure BT - Advances in Structural Technologies.” In eds. SondiponAdhikari, Anjan Dutta, and Satyabrata Choudhury. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 169–83. (Scopus)
  20. Govardhan Bhatt, D. K. Paul, Shubhankar Bhowmick. 2018. “Design of Base Isolation System for Buildings” Design and Optimization of Mechanical Engineering Products. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3401-3.ch004. (Scopus)
  21. Govardhan, D.K. Paul, Y Singh. 2015. “Non-iterative bilinear properties of structural bearings” Lifecycle of Structural Systems. pp. 2262-2266. Taylor & Francis Group.

1.      Rishab Choubey and Govardhan Bhatt (2023). Real-Time Concrete Surface Crack Detection Using Computer Vision Model—YOLO_v8. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, Volume 4, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 549, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6603-1_51 (Scopus)

S Naveen, Govardhan Bhat (2023). Engineered Cementitious Composite Performance with Natural River Sand of Varying Particle Sizes. 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, Volume 4, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 549,springer  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6603-1_52   
Other Info.


1)      Research project under UNICEF entitled “Design and Validation of existing  bike based patient carrier transport system for remote areas of Chhattisgarh and proposing design of bike-trailer assembly” to be executed by the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 10,00,000/- Completed 2015-2017)

2)      Research project under CGCOST entitled “Monitoring of fluoride in underground water of Jagadalpur District of Chhattisgarh and its removal” to be executed by the Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 3,29,000/- Completed 2015-2018)(PI)

3)      Research project under Institution Engineers India entitled “Reduction of carbon foot print with by-products utilization for different sustainable applications” to be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs 80000/- Completed 2020-2022)

4)      Research project under Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA) entitled “Development of Low-Cost Demonstration Shake Table" for Bihar State Disaster Management Authority” to be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 2,55,000/- Completed 2021-2023)(PI)

5)      Research project under UNICEF entitled “V-App: A Dedicated Mobile/Web Application for UNICEF Volunteers” to be executed by the Department of Computer Science Engineering and Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 3,75,000/- Under Progress 2024-2025)

6)      Research project under UNICEF entitled “Developing a sustainable strategy for programme monitoring, institutional strengthening, and capacity building for climate resilient and energy-efficient initiatives in rural areas of Chhattisgarh state” to be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. ( Rs. 53,47,100/- Under Progress 2024-2025)

7)      Research project under UNICEF entitled “Development of sustainable infrastructure to support sanitation and ODF programming including operational and maintenance infrastructure for water supply system in Niyad Nilenar villages of Chhattisgarh state” to be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. ( Rs. 33,27,500/- Under Progress 2024-2025)

8)      Research project under SADA Sirpur Chhattisgarh titled “Remote Sensing and GIS Mapping for the development of Sirpur heritage site” to be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Geology, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 58,20,920/- Under Progress 2024-2027)(PI)

9)      Research project under UNICEF entitled “ Development of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Climate-Resilient Safely Managed Water Supply in Chhattisgarh & Technical Assistance to Government of Chhattisgarhto be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 32,40,000/- Under Progress 2024-2025) (PI)

10) Research project under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna entitled “Perception Based Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna for PVTGs in Tribal Regions of Chhattisgarhto be executed by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur. (Rs. 02,18,300/- Under Progress 2024-2025) (PI)

Life Membership

  1. Member of Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE)
  2. Indian Society of Earthquake Technology
  3. Indian Society of Technical Education
  4. Indian Society of Wind Engineering
  5. Indian Water Resources Society
  6. Indian Geotechnical Society
  7. Member of Institute of Engineers
  8. INSDAG (Professional membership)
  9. Indian Concrete Institute
  10. Indian Building Congress
  11. Indian society of Heat Refrigeration Air-conditioning Engineers
  12. Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
  13. Member of International Association of Life cycle civil engineering
  14. Certified Chartered Engineer

Other Membership

  • Annual Member of Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, California Berkeley (2020-21).